Friday, May 24, 2013


I can't believe that I haven't written anything since March . . . My only defense is that Faith has been struggling with more health issues. A visit to a cardiologist in April has led to an additional diagnosis of Dysautonomia (Autonomic Neuropathy) as well as discovering that Faith has a hole in her heart. The cardiologist feels that the hole in her heart is nothing serious. She will continue to monitor it once a year to make sure it stays that way. The Dysautonomia, on the other hand, is becoming quite bothersome with the dizzy spells, fainting, inability to sweat, and a myriad of other symptoms. In all actuality, Faith's Digestive Tract Paralysis diseases are simply a part of her Dysautonomia. We are now in the process of learning more about Dysautonomia and what this means for Faith, especially since so many of her systems and organs seem to be impacted.

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